The Master-Slave relationship is deeply embedded in what I am and I have only respect, love and admiration for the twin poles of this dynamic, but I confess that at my core, I am a slave. I think the slave’s thoughts, I feel the slave’s hungers, I resonate the slave’s passion for uncontrolled and uncontrollable submission. Please enrich your blog with your personal thoughts, feelings and discoveries, as these speak the true story of what it is to become an ‘it’ and to immerse oneself in the no-limits submission of unconditional servitude. I want to follow you into the incredible joy of becoming ObjectD.
Ultrawolfenblack submitted this to ObjectD
ObjectD adds:
ObjectD is about the journey into absolute Objectification and Dehumanization.
The intended purpose of these pages is to express ideas and methods how property could be TRAINED and then USED.
Thus, it is hoped that others will gain insight from these pages that will help in their own quests to become or to own property themselves.
ObjectD will consider submitted written accounts of personal experiences for posting in order to foster this (re)education process for the benefit of other future slaves and Objects.
it doit ressentir les faims d’un objet qui fait et suit les règles de sa condition
une soumission sans limites dans la servitude inconditionnelle
la déshumanisation absolue doit être appliquée
sans remords ou mauvaise conscience c’est pas un humain juste un objet