Well today I questioned @faguserchicago how Hypnosis works and if it honestly works. To my surprise he had two audio files, both at 50min length, he told me to trust him and listen to fagnosis first. I started on fagnosis as it was the kinder of the two, there was a lot of moaning, dirty words and sentences repeated over and over again, it didn’t help as I was supposed to working and then told to insert a dildo in my ass and keep it in while listening. After the first 10mins I started to get more and more aroused thinking about slutty depraved things I had done for men in my twenties after 50mins I wanted more.
Next I listened to Fagwashing which was a lot more aggressive. It made me feel that fags are told what to think. by Men who are their superiors, that I NEED Men around me all the time, telling me what to do, how to think. It made me want men to tell me what to do. Still are nearly two hours of this and the dildo still in my ass I felt like a crumbled male that just needed a man to think for me and I was a horny as fuck and just wanted to be pissed on or in and plugged.
OK, fags, there’s a testimonial from one of your own. I’m not a professional sound-mixer nor a psychologist, so these aren’t professional grade, but they get the job done. As I told @nzfagboy, they won’t make you run into the street naked begging for cock, but they’ll make you wish you were.
These files are to be listened to with headphones or earbuds ONLY. The point is to have these voices surrounding your head, enveloping your little faggot brain. And if you really want your world to spin, put these on a portable device (iPhone), and plug in while in service at a glory hole, serving unknown cocks. One fag I know set up an anon hookup via grindr and told the man using it that it would neither see nor hear Him while He helped Himself to its holes. Plugged itself in and got fucked both physically and mentally.
So here are the files. And there’s a bonus file as well. All files are 50 minutes long, and about 55Mg large. Set it up for auto-replay so it goes on and on as you sink deeper and deeper into faggotry.
Fagnosis, the kinder and gentler of the two brainfuck files.
Fagwashing, a more aggressive brainwash of your faggot “brain”.
And, finally, fags, the background track for the two brainfuck files. “White-noise” of fags being used by men, an instant orgy of service surrounding your ears. Great background, fags, for your next sex party. And, Men, use this as background music to scare the bejesus out of your fag when you next use it.
And before you ask, no, I’m not taking special requests.
These tapes are amazing, they really get into the head of a faggot slave like me. Brother faggots, listen to these every day.
Être Alpha
Qu’est-ce que cela signifie être dominant? Être dominant, pour moi, signifie vivre avec ce désir insatiable de prendre le contrôle – d’un scénario, d’un soumis. Il faut craindre quelque chose de plus profond au niveau psychologique, au niveau brut. Une connexion humaine, liée à un niveau unique de confiance, un amour pour se plier et un désir d’explorer ce qui nous rend humain. Ce qui nous fait taper. vous voyez, il y a envie de contrôler un soumis – mais cela signifie tant de choses. Je désire guider, enseigner, être maître, le voir s’habiller comme je veux, baiser comme je veux, prendre soin de lui à ma manière. Cela signifie être un enseignant, un amoureux, un ami, un mari et un âme sœur. Ce n’est pas seulement un amour pour la fessée, le CBT, les sports nautiques, le fisting, la dégradation, les pinces à tétons et la servitude. Il s’agit du désir de connaître le soumission d’une manière que personne n’a jamais connu auparavant. Pensez à ce qui signifie pour un moment – pour explorer ce qui le rend humain, ce qui le rend soumise, ce qui le fait VÉRIFIER. Il s’agit d’approfondir dans son psyché, de trouver ce que cela signifie ou de ce qu’il ressent et de l’absorber. Chaque partie de son esprit, de son corps et de son esprit. Il s’agit de prendre tout cela et de le protéger, comme un chevalier, qui, dans Mon cas, a définitivement des fissures de mes batailles avec Mes démons. Et juste pour que je sois clair, il ne s’agit pas de voir un sujet purement soumis comme un objet. Pas pour moi. Je veux exprimer, à mes yeux, que le mode de vie vient avec un romantisme là-bas. Non seulement le désir de le protéger, mais le désir de le connaître au-delà de toute capacité qu’il ou nous avons connu. J’ai une grande affection pour la notion fondamentale qui l’adore, le guide, le protège et le réalise à travers ma personnalité dominante. Pour le laisser se nourrir de moi pour se compléter en me complétant. Il s’agit d’être un alpha. Je suis un Alpha, je me sens comme un Alpha. Pour la société, je suis intéressant et les gens me veulent dans leurs dîners et leurs fêtes. Je domine les conversations parfois, mais pas toujours, je mène au travail. Je le mène. A la laisse, par le collier. Je ne veux pas de relation régulière, je veux les sentiments plus profonds, les rencontres brutes et intenses, l’exposition pour moi et lui qui vient avec cette confiance. Je suppose que ce que j’essaie de dire, c’est que ce qui signifie être significatif pour moi, c’est d’explorer mon humanité. Pour explorer pourquoi je suis comme je suis, mais aussi pour vivre dans le mode de vie, dans une relation symbiotique, parce qu’il a besoin de Moi et j’ai besoin de lui. Sans ça, je suis nerveux. Je suis perdu, je suis en colère et déprimé. Avec cela, j’ai équilibre et harmonie.
“I mean,” he whispers, in your ear, “I’m sure this is exactly what you wanted to happen, right?” He grunts as he pistons his cock into and out of your hole. He’d been kind enough to use lube, but that didn’t stop it from hurting. That didn’t stop you from wincing through the burning pain as your ring was stretched to the limit around his obscene girth.
“Surely, you knew what was going to happen when you went after my girl,” he says, his lips thinning, the corners twisting upward in a savage, self-satisfied smirk. “I get it,” he says, “You’re the new guy on campus. But everyone knows you don’t mess with Ben. You don’t go after Ben’s girl, you don’t flirt with Ben’s girl, and most importantly, you don’t get to trick Ben’s girl into fucking you.”
You whine. You whimper. You moan. You protest. You didn’t do anything like that. He is just misunderstanding the situation. Your words are muffled, and ultimately, whatever your story is, it’s irrelevant. Ben thinks that you disobeyed his cardinal rule. Ben thinks that you tried to go after his girl. And so Ben has decided to bring you to justice.
“That’s right, you twisted little fag,” he says, right in your ear as he pummels your hole with all his might. His words drip with venom. They are slick as oil. “Dumb little bitch going after what’s mine,” he says. He laughs quietly, watches as your eyes glaze over, his words sinking into your skull and bouncing around over and over and over again.
Dumb little bitch. Dumb little bitch. Dumb little bitch. He fucked you so hard and so fast that you could feel your brain rattling around in your head. You could feel your thoughts, your memories, your personality getting dislodged and turned to mush. Your thoughts slowed, then came to a halt. You whimpered, moaning as the fuck suddenly started feeling good.
“That’s right,” Ben says, “I don’t deal in used pussies, but this new one I’m coring into your ass, I think, is something that I’m going to enjoy for a while.” He grunts, his hips slapping against yours as he pushes his cock as deep as it would go. “You’d like that, won’t you, you stupid little bitch?” he says. You nod, desperately bucking his hips as the only thought remaining in your head is how much you want him to breed you. “Say what you are, and maybe I’ll think about fucking my cum into you.”
And if you want to follow my captions, shenanigans and such on the journey to becoming the dumbfuck himbo pup I was meant to be, then follow me at @DumPupEcho
Real and true slave ownership becomes life’s greatest luxury when the slave owner adopts the attitude that they have possession of LIVESTOCK that they can literally make use of in any ways that suit their needs, satisfy their desires, or serve their purposes.
c ‘est un it une possession rien de plus
son Propriétaire peut l’utiliser à n’importe quoi un it est adaptable et modifiable