
my MASTER has a new girlfriend. this one is fine with HIM having a male slave, as long as she never has to see me. so i am kept locked in the closet when she is here, and i can hear Them fucking. Afterwards, when she goes to “freshen up”, HE opens the door and uses me as a urinal.  HE fucks her with a condom, so afterward HE squeezes the Cum into my mouth. They are becoming more and more intense, and HE has asked her what They would do about me if They become more serious. She said, “Can’t it just be chained for life in the basement?” HE laughed and said, “Absolutely, it’s just a fucking object, it can spend its life down there, living on Cum and Piss and Shit.” She said, “It seems to help you to take your aggression out on that faggot so that’s a good use for it too.  Beat the shit out of it and torture it, then come to bed and fuck me!” They both laughed and started fucking again.

i am scared but mostly just so happy for HIM.  HE seems very happy, and it sounds like HE enjoys fucking her. i still get used by Men at the gloryhole, but now i am realizing that soon my life will be as a naked slave, serving Cock at the gloryhole but mostly just being ignored, neglected and, if lucky, abused.

i know HE is planning on putting a permanent collar on my neck and chaining me in the basement, where i will spend the rest of my life. The cell where i am kept has a hole in the floor for my waste, and though there are no creature comforts, i know i can be happy there, knowing i am enabling HIM to have what HE wants.

i think i am the luckiest slave int he world. Do you agree?

esclave latrine évolue vers la finalité de l’objet servir servir rien de plus 

sa vie d’esclave :

son Maître :

The No Limits Slave


The Master-Slave relationship is deeply embedded in what I am and I have only respect, love and admiration for the twin poles of this dynamic, but I confess that at my core, I am a slave.  I think the slave’s thoughts, I feel the slave’s hungers, I resonate the slave’s passion for uncontrolled and uncontrollable submission. Please enrich your blog with your personal thoughts, feelings and discoveries, as these speak the true story of what it is to become an ‘it’ and to immerse oneself in the no-limits submission of unconditional servitude.  I want to follow you into the incredible joy of becoming ObjectD.

Ultrawolfenblack submitted this to ObjectD

ObjectD adds:

ObjectD is about the journey into absolute Objectification and Dehumanization.

The intended purpose of these pages is to express ideas and methods how property could be TRAINED and then USED.

Thus, it is hoped that others will gain insight from these pages that will help in their own quests to become or to own property themselves.

ObjectD will consider submitted written accounts of personal experiences for posting in order to foster this (re)education process for the benefit of other future slaves and Objects.

it doit ressentir les faims d’un objet qui fait et suit les règles de sa condition 

une soumission sans limites dans la servitude inconditionnelle 

la déshumanisation absolue doit être appliquée

 sans remords ou mauvaise conscience c’est pas un humain juste un objet 



These are the next modifications due to be installed on ObjectD’s nipples. Master C reminds ObjectD that these rings are NOT intended as decorative, so the piercings will be set deep in flesh as CONTROL POINTS.

These piercings will be followed up in the future with equally aggressive septum piercing.

This is happening.

SLRN # 535-919-638

Installation on ObjectD to occur on August 10, 2017.

ObjectD will adjust… IT has no other option now.

j’ai acheté les anneaux de contention pour it 

c’est un instrument de dressage des taureaux il permet de  les contrôler 

pour les it  c’est aussi  moyen d’accepter sa place définitive 

avec le tatouage de son numéro d identification  et son statut 

la formation pony permet de casser les références et les habitudes humaines prisent par le bétail.

il faut     extirper la croyance de l’animal en son humanité 

le harnais et le matériel du pony aident l’animal 

it est formé en animal, cela ôtent de lui cette humanité inutile à sa fonction 

le it sait sa place et son but tout est plus clair pour l’animal 

ce it est presque terminé dans sa phase d’acceptation 

les yeux du it traduisent l’espoir d’honorer son Propriétaire en tout 

ce it est en chasteté pour contrôler et diriger l’attention vers son Maître 

la reprogrammation et l’entrainement de base est presque terminé 

it sera utilisé et récompensé pour le comportement correct d’un bétail humain  

un it est une chose rien de plus il existe en sous animal = bétail 

sans droits sans choix it est là pour être et servir en bétail humain 

aucunes limites pour un it dans l’utilisation il faut l’assimiler au bétail 

les mots : 

confort, sentiments, besoins, pudeur, intimité sont inadaptés au bétail humain